Pet Care

The Truth About Shaving Your Dog's Coat in Summer: Why You Should Avoid It

by Anubhav Dhar on May 03, 2023

The Truth About Shaving Your Dog's Coat in Summer: Why You Should Avoid It
As temperatures rise during the summer months, many pet owners may feel tempted to shave or cut their dog’s coat in an attempt to keep them cool. However, this could be one of the biggest mistakes that you make as a pet owner. In this blog post, we’ll explain why you should not shave/cut your dog’s coat under any circumstances, even in summers.
The Importance of Not Shaving Your Dog's Coat in Summer
  1. Dogs’ coats serve as insulation: Contrary to popular belief, a dog's coat actually serves as insulation, keeping them cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Shaving their coat could actually cause them to overheat and damage their natural cooling system.
  2. Increased risk of sunburn: Dogs’ coats protect their skin from harmful UV rays. Shaving your dog’s coat can leave them vulnerable to sunburn and other skin problems.
  3. Risk of skin irritation: Shaving can lead to skin irritation, bumps, and even infections. Dogs with double coats are especially susceptible to this, as their undercoat serves as a natural protection layer.
  4. Coat damage: Shaving a dog’s coat can cause irreversible damage, especially if you are not trained to do so. The coat may grow back unevenly, leaving your pet with an unappealing appearance and discomfort.
  5. The myth of shedding: Many pet owners believe that shaving their dog will reduce shedding, but this is simply not true. Shaving can actually cause the opposite effect, leading to more shedding and a more difficult time for you to manage the coat.
So, What Should You Do Instead?
There are a few things you can do to keep your dog comfortable during the summer without resorting to shaving. Here are some tips:
Brush their coat regularly: Regular brushing can help remove loose fur, keep their coat clean, and prevent matting. This can help your dog stay comfortable during the summer months.
Provide plenty of water: Ensure that your dog has access to fresh, clean water at all times. This will help them stay hydrated and cool.
Create shade: Provide plenty of shade for your dog to rest in during the hottest part of the day. This could be in the form of a covered patio or umbrella.
Use cooling mats: Cooling mats are a great way to help your dog cool down during the summer months. They can be placed in your dog's bed or on the floor.
Consult a professional groomer: If you are unsure about how to properly groom your dog during the summer, consider consulting a professional groomer. They can provide valuable advice and ensure that your dog’s coat is healthy and comfortable.
While it may be tempting to shave your dog’s coat during the summer months, it’s important to resist this urge. Shaving can cause more harm than good and could potentially damage your pet's coat permanently. By following the tips above, you can keep your dog cool and comfortable during the summer while maintaining their coat’s natural insulation and protection properties. Remember, a healthy coat equals a happy and healthy dog!

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